Legal notices

Legal Notices

  1. Publisher’s details and contact information

This website,, is the property of IDEX SERVICES, SAS, a simplified joint-stock company (société par actions simplifiée) with capital of €54,443,605.00, whose legal representative is Ms Elodie Cressol, and whose address is 18-20 Quai du Point du Jour 92100 Boulogne-Billancourt, France. It is registered at the Nanterre Commercial and Companies Registry (R.C.S.) under the number 632 037 982, its SIRET number is 632 037 982 00188, and its Intra-Community VAT number is FR56632037982. 

Users of this website acknowledge that they have read these legal notices, and undertake to comply with them.


  1. Website content

IDEX SERVICES reserves the right to amend the content of this website at any time, and without prior notice. IDEX SERVICES disclaims any liability in the event of delay, error or omission in the content of the website, or in the event of interruption or unavailability of the service.

However, IDEX SERVICES undertakes to comply with all laws concerning the setting up and activity of a website.

Users of this website acknowledge that they have read these legal notices, and undertake to comply with them.


  1. Website hosting

 Host’s name, corporate name or trading name: Alfa-Safety Nantes 

SIREN number: 405100587

Postal address: 4 rue des Olivettes, Passage Douard, Bat. 7, 44000 Nantes 

Telephone number: 02 51 84 34 00


  1. Intellectual property and copyright

The content of the website is the exclusive property of IDEX SERVICES, and is protected by the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Any unauthorised representation or reproduction of the constituent elements of the website, by any means whatever, is strictly prohibited, and any infringement may give rise to legal proceedings.  


  1. Hypertext links

The creation of hypertext links to the website requires the prior consent of the Publication Director, taking into account the content and services of the third-party websites concerned, and in no circumstances can such hypertext links give rise to liability on the part of IDEX SERVICES.

IDEX SERVICES may include hypertext links to third-party websites in the “Customer Area” and “Suppliers” portals of the website, and in its “Join Us” section. These partner websites are independent of the website, and in no circumstances can such hypertext links give rise to liability on the part of IDEX SERVICES.