Hauts de Garonne Énergies, a subsidiary of Idex and Mixéner, has just started the renovation work on the Hauts de Garonne heating network.

This project involves replacing 70% of the 30 km network, starting from Pauline Kergomard street in Cenon.

The first worksite started up in Cenon’s Marègue district, with others due to kick off shortly in Floirac and Lormont.

Upon completion of this 5-year project, the network will deliver renewable heat primarily generated by burning waste and wood – 85% renewable and recovered energy – to 13,000 equivalent housing units.

Renovating 70% of the network will save over 17,000 m3 of water per year (by reducing leaks across the network).

An additional 2,800 equivalent housing units could also be able to meet their heating needs with local, green energy.

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Hauts de Garonne