Energy from Waste plants
Turning your region’s waste into energy
Rely on a sustainable player to convert waste into energy rather than disposing of it in landfill, and reap the economic, environmental and social benefits. With 13 plants in France and the French overseas departments and territories, Idex maximises their usefulness and minimises their impact on the environment by producing low-carbon energy (heat, steam and electricity) on a large scale, in particular for heating networks and industry.
Your challenges: investing in waste management for a sustainable energy future
As a local authority, you face some major challenges.They require investment and technical expertise in design and control of energy outlets.
Reducing landfill waste and greenhouse gas emissions
Complying with environmental standards for discharges into the natural environment
Investing, operating facilities and securing energy outlets
Our solution: transform your infrastructure into an “energy hub”
By entrusting your Energy from Waste projects to Idex, you are choosing a single player in the waste sector with the DNA of an energy company, with expertise in the design and construction of industrial assets and mastery of energy valorisation (heating and cooling networks, industrial heating, electricity resale, gas network injection).
Transform your infrastructure into a genuine “energy hub” and meet the development needs of the local economy!
Our performance commitments
As well as offering a customised solution to meet the needs of each local authority, we are committed to:
the availability and capacity of facilities (furnaces, boilers, flue gas and effluent treatment, plant revamping),
production and marketing of the energy produced,
management of consumables and recovery of by-products,
emissions control,
obtaining certification,
mobilising available financial aid (France Relance, France 2030, CEE, European aid, etc.).
Our expertise: energy from waste valorisation
In France, tension over gas and electricity supplies has recently arisen due to geopolitical crises and limited availability of French electricity, illustrating the vulnerability of our energy system to these external factors.
Energy savings and efficiency measures are being implemented, but it is still necessary to exploit little-used reserves such as waste and biogas.
As a player with the DNA of an energy company, Idex offers a one stop shop approach to tackle these challenges.
- Ability to finance the plant renovation to enable them to produce as much energy as possible per ton of waste.
- Technical expertise in all technologies: co-generation, incineration with energy recovery, methanisation, etc.
- Extensive regional coverage for optimum use by local players (local authorities, industry, etc.)
- Skills in asset optimisation and energy markets to maximise revenues from energy recovery.
Our key figures
13 Energy from Waste plants
1,600,000 tons of waste treated per year
450 MW of installed thermal capacity
129,000 tons of CO2 avoided per year
Our references
At Labeuvrière, Idex designs and operates the new Energy from Waste plant, generating industrial steam, heat and electricity to accelerate the energy transition for local stakeholders.
For the Syndicat Mixte du Département de L'Oise \[SMDO, Mixed Union of the Département of the Oise], Idex is providing sustainable heat at a stable price for more than 13,500 households, doubling the area’s waste treatment capacity, producing green electricity and cutting production costs by 38%.
Every year, Idex recovers 106,000 tonnes of domestic and green waste through methanisation. 20,000 tonnes of compost are produced. The combustion of biogas is converted into electricity to supply 4,250 households.
Idex’s offer will ensure the long-term treatment and recovery of our local waste. Thanks to this innovative and major facility for our region, we will become a producer and distributor of local recovering energy. A fine demonstration of the growth of the circular economy and our ambition for a 100% sustainable urban area.