Start producing your own electricity

In a world where energy is volatile and dependent on phenomena external to your activities, it is necessary to redefine the way you source electricity. Inexhaustible, available and carbon-free, solar energy supports your activities while boosting your competitiveness. 

Adopting a solar panel solution on your site means securing part of your supply and taking the first step towards energy independence!

Your challenges: securing your electricity supplies

Protection against electricity price volatility: Adopt photovoltaic panels to stabilise your energy costs and significantly reduce your bill.

Regulatory compliance: Thanks to a responsible energy transition, you can comply with the regulations in force on the resilience & climate law, the renewable energy acceleration law and the tertiary sector decree.

Land development: Make strategic use of your existing space by installing photovoltaic panels to increase its value and energy yield.

Our solution: generate solar-generated electricity locally

What if your car park, your rooftop or even your derelict wasteland alone produced the energy needed to heat your buildings or run your machinery? 

With our photovoltaic solutions, every ray of sunlight becomes a source of energy for your buildings and equipment. This transformation is made possible by equipping your surfaces with solar panels: roofs, ground areas or photovoltaic shades capture solar energy and convert it into useful, low-carbon energy. 

Idex develops the potential of your car parks, roofs and available spaces for the installation of photovoltaic panels with an integrated solution tailored to the specific features of your site. 

Idex’s turnkey solution is designed to facilitate your energy transition so that you can concentrate on your core business while benefiting from solar installations that are profitable and sustainable over time. 

Self-consumption or injection? Our teams will work with you to study your sites and their potential, so that you can choose the value-adding model that optimises your economic gains over the lifetime of the photovoltaic installation.


Our performance commitments

  • Ensuring the availability of photovoltaic installations: we make sure that the solar power plant is able to produce electricity at optimum levels. 

  • Ensuring the safety of solar infrastructures, both during the design phase and throughout the lifetime of the installations: safety is our priority.

  • Comply with the environmental and social standards associated with the development of photovoltaic projects by analysing the environmental impact, the origin of materials and the traceability of waste on site.

  • Guarantee the responsiveness of our teams with regard to maintenance of the solar power plant thanks to Idex’s territorial coverage: a branch less than an hour from our customers’ sites.

Our expertise: developing a tailor-made photovoltaic infrastructure

Development of photovoltaic infrastructure:

Our specialist photovoltaic project development teams match the technical realities of the sites (shading, soil structure, waterproofing of roofs, etc.) with the economic challenges of the project in order to maximise the plant’s productivity.

This tailor-made approach means that each photovoltaic installation and solar panel is designed to meet the specific needs of businesses, while promoting sustainability and energy efficiency.

Detailed analysis of the installation of a photovoltaic infrastructure:

We carry out in-depth studies of your sites to ensure that solar installations can be safely integrated into existing building infrastructures. This includes a careful analysis of the optimal layout of the panels to maximise solar exposure without compromising the aesthetics or functionality of the spaces.

We take the same care during the construction and installation of the solar panels, as well as throughout the lifetime of your solar power plant, to ensure not only safety but also the energy efficiency and sustainability of the entire system.

Idex’s expertise in the installation of solar panels for businesses:

Idex leverages its expertise in developing solar projects by offering a complete range of services, from design to implementation of our photovoltaic solutions. As a single point of contact, we take charge of your entire photovoltaic project, reflecting our raison d'être: to facilitate our customers’ energy transition. 

Our personalised approach ensures that solar panel installations, whether on roofs, on the ground or in the form of car park shade, are optimised to meet your company’s specific needs. This strengthens your energy autonomy and makes an effective contribution to your sustainable development objectives.

Our key figures

40 expert energy infrastructure developers

250 MWp solar power installed or under development

30 % of your electricity consumption is covered by solar energy

1h average journey time between Idex branches and customer sites

Our references

logo inovalp


To accelerate its energy transition, Inovalp, a company specialising in wood pellet heating, has chosen Idex to install photovoltaic shading coupled with recharging stations in its car park. 2,000m² of photovoltaic panels with a capacity of 300 kWp will be installed on the car park, supplying up to two-thirds of the company's electricity needs.

logo kenvue


Kenvue, a specialist in hygiene and care products, is equipping its Sézanne plant with solar panels and recharging points. A ground-mounted photovoltaic power plant will reduce energy costs by almost 22%. Kenvue secures part of its electricity supplies, thereby protecting itself from the volatility of electricity prices. Charging points for electric vehicles have also been installed in the plant’s two car parks to help employees develop electric mobility.

logo Safran

Safran, the world's second-largest aerospace equipment supplier, has chosen Idex to help it deploy photovoltaic infrastructures at 9 of its sites in France. The project consists of both ground-based power plants and photovoltaic shading systems, which together will cover almost 25% of the Safran sites' energy needs. The installation of solar panels is part of the aeronautical equipment manufacturer’s strategy to improve energy efficiency and reduce its carbon footprint.

Logo CH Eure Seine


The Evreux hospital centre is embarking on its energy transition with Idex by making the most of the available space at the facility. Photovoltaic shades and a ground-mounted power plant with a combined output of 2.2 MWp are integrated into the building. This project to install solar panels is helping to control electricity costs, which have become a major budget item for the hospital in recent years. Some of the electricity produced will be used by the hospital itself, covering up to 25% of the site’s needs, while some will be fed directly into the electricity grid, generating additional income for the hospital.

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