As part of its action plan for local sustainability, Greater Bordeaux has created a solidarity-based dynamic, giving public players the opportunity to become actively involved in a policy of sustainable development. Through this collective approach, Greater Bordeaux and Bordeaux City Hall are seeking to become one of the first positive-energy communities, i.e. with the city producing more energy than it consumes, by 2050.

An energy performance contract

Bordeaux chose Idex to manage the energy performance contract for 99 municipal buildings, including stadiums and gyms, the Onyx Theatre, the Horticultural Centre and the Natural History Museum.

To achieve the customer's goal of becoming energy positive, our technicians target energy savings in the operation of technical installations . A goal shared by Idex, which has enabled the city to save 10% on its final energy bill.

Innovation to support the energy transition

Idex South-West is supporting the city of Bordeaux in its energy transition, by providing and installing efficient control and production systems. Supporting the progress plan, Idex is a driving force behind technical innovations. For example, a chlorine dioxide generator has been commissioned for continuous, optimal treatment of the domestic hot water supply in local gyms.

99 local buildings 

10% savings on the final energy bill