Career development

Career development: the keys to success at Idex

héros de la décarbonation idex
Career development: the keys to success at Idex

Training the heroes of the future

What’s the best way to work sustainably towards our goals as a team? At Idex, we believe that the key lies in developing both individual and collective skills

As a human-sized company, we take the time to:

  • foster this development;
  • encourage people to take on responsibilities;
  • actively support training initiatives, whether individual or  led by our network of in-house training facilitators.

Result: 40% of operations managers are recruited from inside the company!

The values inspiring our low-carbon energy champions? Team spirit, agility, and a bold approach, along with entrepreneurial passion.

Ludivine Gauthé, 18 years with Idex

Ludivine Gauthé, currently performance director for Commercial and Industrial Buildings in the Paris region, started out as an engineering trainee after completing her studies. She told us more about her exemplary career. 

Voir la vidéo

An excellent mentoring system

Our managers play a key role in setting goals, providing leadership and developing skills, as well as contributing to employee well-being and confidence. We provide them with all the tools they need to support their staff.

At Idex, we prefer a practical approach. Your manager is required to implement three fundamental principles.

  1. Transparency 

At least once a week, your manager will bring you up to date on key events – past or future – explaining how they impact your team, before translating them into practical steps

  1. Clear goals and priorities

Without a clearly defined mission, we can achieve nothing. Your manager works with you in setting practical short-, medium- and long-term goals, which are regularly updated throughout the year.

  1. Personalised support 

You receive regular support in your work. You will be able to discuss events, actions and goals as part of routine meetings with your manager. And for a more quantitative view of your work, your manager will work with you to establish key performance indicators.

So you can be sure of staying on course!