Manifesto | Inclusion and diversity with the low-carbon champions
At Idex, we believe that diversity and inclusion are important.
Our main purpose, as you know, is to fight global warming with low-carbon energies And we see it as hugely important to involve people of all profiles in this adventure. We can all be superheroes!
And that’s without mentioning all the other benefits of a diverse and inclusive workplace. As well as being attractive and fulfilling for employees, it drives creativity and enriches the company as a whole.
As a signatory of the Diversity Charter* in 2021, Idex is committed to:
refusing all forms of discrimination;
promoting diversity and inclusion among its workforce at all levels;
ensuring equal treatment throughout the careers of its employees.
How do we do this? By signing agreements with trade unions, implementing practical initiatives, and monitoring the results across all our business areas and in all the locations where we do business.
Find out more here about our initiatives to promote gender equality, our disability policy, and our commitment to furthering access to employment.
Gender equality: the Wonder Women of Idex
Women make up 17% of the workforce at Idex, and 24% of managers. The group is seeking to increase female representation in positions of responsibility.
Our goal: 28% of female managers by 2030!
Our company-wide agreement
In September 2023, the Idex Group signed a company-wide agreement with the trade unions, setting out four commitments.
Recruit the next Wonder Women
Idex will actively seek to recruit more women.
Place heroes and heroines on an equal footing
The Group is committed to equal treatment for men and women throughout their careers. This naturally involves measures to assess, prevent and, where necessary, rectify any differences in pay or promotion.
Support Super Parents on all fronts
Idex is committed to providing better support for parenthood, and fostering a better work-life balance.
Take action for gender diversity
The Group is seeking to raise awareness among all employees of the challenges of gender diversity and equality in the workplace, and is promoting this cause in its relations with partners.
Our initiatives
✔ Training to combat sexist discrimination and gender stereotypes
✔ Pre-selection of female candidates for recruitment, particularly for executive positions
✔ Departure and return interviews for maternity and adoption leave
✔ Additional leave of absence and modified working hours for pregnant women
✔ Exceptional leave in the event of a miscarriage for both the biological mother and the second parent
✔ Wage continuation throughout the period of leave for the “second parent” (referred to as “paternity leave”)
✔ Development of the IdexOFéminin network, with internal and external events to promote gender diversity across our business areas.
✔ Presentations in schools to showcase the role of women in industry and energy: Idex School Tour, in partnership with the association Elles Bougent, etc.
Our disability policy: heroes all
The disability liaison units in our 11 regional divisions are trained to support our disability policy.
In line with its CSR strategy, the Idex Group provides an inclusive and stimulating work environment for all employees!
Any questions? Contact
Our commitments
An inclusive organization
Idex provides personalised support for people with disabilities. It seeks to implement appropriate measures that take account of the consequences of individual disabilities.
Same courage, same pay
The Group guarantees equal pay for all.
Boost your power
Idex guarantees equal access to all existing training programmes for disabled employees.
Underpinning these measures: the agreement signed by Idex in May 2022 with the trade unions, as part of its commitment to the recruitment and retention of workers with disabilities.
To monitor the deployment of this agreement, the Group has put in place the necessary resources along with a 3-year action plan.
Our initiatives
✔ Disability liaison units set up at head offices and at regional level
✔ Support for all employees concerned by the legal requirement to employ disabled workers
✔ A hotline to answer any questions raised by employees about disability.
✔ Training for managers and HR staff in disability awareness
Raising awareness is a key part of our commitment
At head office and at regional level, Idex regularly organises events covering all aspects of disability.

Three questions for Ombeline de Riedmatten
Hello! Can you tell us about your role with the Idex Group?
I've been with Idex for two years, and I took up my current position in September 2024. Before that, I was involved in HR development for the south-east division. This was where I began to develop an interest in diversity and inclusion.
As part of my work, I initiated a number of awareness-raising initiatives on the subject of disability, including a game-based training course to help people understand that disabilities are invisible in 80% of cases, and that they do not prevent people from leading rich and fulfilling lives! The aim was not only to raise awareness of the different types of disability, but also to encourage the people affected to speak out and break through the taboos.
I really enjoyed the experience, and I decided to dedicate myself full time to developing diversity and inclusion!

What are your goals as diversity and inclusion project manager?
I have three main goals. First, to communicate, raising awareness and changing employee perceptions of disability through training; second, to retain employees recognised as disabled by providing the necessary support; and third, to recruit and integrate disabled workers.
We also provide practical administrative support for disabled employees, for example, concerning the renewal of the RQTH process (Reconnaissance de la Qualité de Travailleur Handicapé), recognising their disabled status. Disabled employees may also contact us to adapt their workstations if necessary, in collaboration with the occupational health service.

How does your department work?
Each regional division has a disability liaison unit – we are all members of HR teams trained in this area. We meet once a month to discuss our objectives, current projects and future plans.
We also work regularly with partners: ESATs (Etablissement et Service d'Aide par le Travail) for supported employment, sheltered companies, associations, and businesses such as TH Conseil, Gloria and Café Joyeux.

Access to employment: Avengers from every horizon
For the economic integration of refugees
From May 2023
As part of a partnership with the association Kodiko, Idex gives employees the opportunity to take time out during their working hours to support refugees in their pathway to employment.
From November 2023
Idex joined Tent France, a coalition of over 30 leading companies committed to the economic integration of refugees.
Helping ex-offenders back into employment
Idex has been working with the prison service since 1990. Among other services, it organises work for detainees.
- 2,700 people are supervised and trained every day at Group sites.
- 20 workshops are in operation across France.
- In 2023, our employment-integration managers supported offenders in accessing our prison work sites.
- ...and Idex has hired one ex-offender.