The essentials of the Idex Connected Parking solution

Add value to your car park with Idex’s integrated parking concept! Photovoltaic shading systems with charging points for electric vehicles can be integrated into your car park to provide a 2-in-1 solution that's profitable from the very first year. 

Transform your parking space with a practical service while reducing your carbon footprint

Your challenges: car parks as a place for the energy transition

Since July 2023, it has been compulsory for car parks of more than 1,500 m² to be equipped with photovoltaic shading systems. These regulations come on top of a number of current challenges that we can help you overcome.

Reduce your energy bill in the face of rising costs

Meeting obligations: Tertiary Decree, Energy, Climate and Resilience Act, Mobility Orientation Act

Encouraging the adoption of environmentally-friendly modes of transport

Our solution: unlock the energy potential of your car park

Connected parking allows you to make the most of your available space and produce the green electricity you need. The integration of photovoltaic shading and recharging stations is designed to meet the characteristics of your car park while complying with the obligations of the French Renewable Energy Acceleration Act (APER). 

A single point of contact to support you throughout the project, including administrative procedures and maintenance!

  • Photovoltaic shades can be integrated into areas that have already been developed to reduce your carbon footprint and improve your parking space by protecting the vehicles.

  • The charging points meet mobility needs by offering a practical service that encourages the adoption of environmentally-friendly modes of transport.

Our solutions are designed to enable you to anticipate technological and regulatory developments while adapting to your needs.

Our performance commitments

  • Reduce your energy bill, improve your independence and thus actively contribute to your ecological transition.

  • Maximise the use of your car park by making the most of the artificial land available to optimise electricity production, and by protecting your employees’ vehicles from climatic conditions (sun, bad weather, etc.).

  • Offering top-quality "Made in France" materials, with careful and safe installation, an effective maintenance guarantee and regular monitoring to ensure that the installations are working properly.

  • Respect the most stringent environmental and social standards, the origin of components, the traceability of site waste and the safety of your users.

Our expertise: assessing a site’s solar potential

Our study of the solar potential of your car parks is based on our ability to accurately assess the feasibility and benefits of solar energy, for various types of sites: hospitals, industries, logistics warehouses, shopping centres, open-air car parks, etc.

To guarantee long-term energy prices, we carry out technical feasibility studies to ensure technical and economic viability. 

Idex equips your car parks with photovoltaic shading and recharging stations to help reduce your energy costs over the long term.

Our key figures

40 expert energy infrastructure developers

250 MWp of solar power installed or under development

1/3 of your electricity is generated by your car park

1000 charging stations installed and operated by our teams

Our references

logo inovalp

The wood pellet heating specialist has decided to equip its car park with photovoltaic shading and 20 recharging points. One third of the energy produced will be used to cover two thirds of the site's electricity consumption, with the remainder sold back to the electricity grid. Inovalp’s vision is to invest in the future and become a positive energy industrial site.

logo kenvue

The Kenvue plant and logistics platform chose Idex in order to reduce the site's energy consumption while ensuring its security of energy supply. The project will guarantee the industrial site a stable power supply for 20 years, reducing energy costs by 22%. Kenvue is also anticipating the development of electric vehicles by installing charging stations.

logo Safran

The international high-tech group has called on Idex to design ground-based photovoltaic power plants and deploy self-consumption shading systems at 9 of its industrial sites in France. The Group now has a stable source of energy for 25 years, covering 25% of its energy needs. The shading systems help to meet energy performance targets and improve user comfort.

Logo CH Eure Seine

To reduce its electricity consumption, the Eure-Seine Hospital Complex decided to install a photovoltaic solar power plant capable of meeting 25% of its energy needs. The project also includes the installation of car park shade structures equipped with recharging stations to maximise the use of available land for the benefit of the establishment and the comfort of its care staff. 


Idex met the expectations of the Evreux hospital by committing to a guaranteed electricity supply and competitive electricity prices.
Idex is also carrying the entire investment, which will be amortised over the term of the concession.
Idex’s bid stood out thanks to its local teams, who were able to intervene at very short notice throughout the life of the installation.
Matthieu Bachelet
Technical Manager, Évreux Hospital
Matthieu Bachelet
Crédit photo : Radio France - Laurent Philippot

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Find out more about our charging point and photovoltaic infrastructure solutions