Idex and Guyot Energies are taking another step in their partnership with the development of an energy production plant at the historic GUYOT environnement site in the heart of Brest's commercial port. 

The culmination of several years of development, this project will produce energy from Solid Recovered Fuel (SRF) and directly supply steam to Bunge’s industrial facility to cover a large part of its energy needs. 

The collaboration also represents a further step toward the three companies’ commitments to low-carbon energy and circular economy solutions. Construction work will start this summer.

A New Unit to Support the Region's Energy Transition

The cogeneration unit will produce approximately 85 GWh of heat and 20 GWh of electricity annually. The agreement for the local supply of low carbon energy will enable Bunge’s plant to reduce its dependence on natural gas, strengthening the efficient management of its energy costs and supporting the reduction of its GHG emissions. The remaining heat produced can also supply other interested local stakeholders, promoting the development of renewable and recovered energy within the region. The electricity generated by the plant will be fed into the grid. 

Brittany's First SRF-Powered Cogeneration Plant

Au cœur de ce projet, la nouvelle unité valorisera chaque année 40 000 tonnes de Combustible Solide de Récupération (CSR) élaboré sur les sites de Guyot environnement Morlaix et Guyot environnement Brest à partir de déchets non-recyclables (plastiques, papiers, cartons, textiles souillés, etc.). Principalement issus de la collecte régionale effectuée par GUYOT environnement, ces déchets jusqu’ici destinés à l’enfouissement serviront désormais de ressource énergétique. La démarche s’inscrit ainsi dans les objectifs du Plan Régional de Prévention et de Gestion des Déchets breton, qui fixe l’ambition de “zéro enfouissement” d’ici 2030.