- Housing
One of the biggest low-income housing buildings in France connected to the Novaé network
On Thursday, February 10, Idex Centre Ouest and the Greater Nantes authorities announced to the press that the Sillon de Bretagne building would be connected to the Novaé heating network.
Novaé now supplies heating for the building, which covers more than 78,000 square meters of housing, offices and retail shops. The network connection will make it possible to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 1,000 metric tons of CO2 per year.
This is an important and symbolic step for the Nord Chézine heating network in Nantes. For the initiative, a new 1.5 km section of the network was built, along which a school and 60 housing units were also hooked up to the network.
Idex staff, with the support of teams from the Greater Nantes area and Harmonie Habitat, met with the press in the Sillon de Bretagne substation.
This new section of the network – involving a tunnel almost 1.5 km long, out of the network’s total 33 km – connects some 860 housing units, stores and offices, and supplies about 5,300 MWh per year of heating. The infrastructure is expected to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by around 1,000 metric tons of CO2 per year (equivalent to the annual emissions produced by 230 residents). This project presented the opportunity to connect other places along the section towards Sillon de Bretagne to the network, including the Nelson Mandela school and another 60 housing units in the Bouvernière Atlantique Habitations residences.
Powered by renewable and recovered energy, the heating networks are innovative in their energy performance and have a direct impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
These systems also offer users stable and more competitive prices over the longer term compared with gas and electricity tariffs. In these early months of 2022, the Novaé heating network also offers its customers heating prices that are about half those practised on the conventional gas market.